Is Biochar a Fertilizer?
Biochar is not a fertilizer, but rather a soil amendment. It has an impressive impact on the health of plants and grass thanks to its many remarkable qualities. It can also reduce the level of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere by keeping it confined within the soil.
Our team at Wakefield BioChar recognizes the many positive effects our soil amending products can have on landscapes. We also know that reducing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere is key to a bright, healthy future for the environment.
With our products, you can enjoy the gorgeous landscape of your dreams while also feeling good about your impact on this earth we call home.
Biochar vs. Fertilizer
It’s a question we encounter on a regular basis: is biochar actually a fertilizer? We understand that not everyone gets as excited about biochar science as we do, so we’re always happy to provide some insight into how it works and what makes it distinctive.
As a soil amendment, biochar has a direct impact on the quality of the soil that nourishes plants and grass. It does so by enhancing the texture of the soil, which then allows root systems to develop in a robust manner. For example, a crumbly soil texture creates pockets in the ground where air and water can flow freely. These pockets encourage roots to extend deep into the soil for improved strength and vitality.
On the other hand, fertilizers introduce nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen into the soil to facilitate healthy plant growth. Fertilizers have no effect on texture like soil amendments do. While these nutrients are essential for healthy growth, they won’t have as much of an impact if soil texture is not amenable. Biochar will help increase microbial activity in the soil to improve the rate the nutrients are fed to plant roots.
How Biochar Improves Soil Texture
Now that you understand the difference between soil amendments and fertilizers, the next step is to understand just how biochar enhances soil texture. Biochar has a very special structure that draws water into the soil. And once moisture is drawn in, the structure of biochar helps keep water in place.
Biochar also binds with the nutrients in the soil that are so crucial for optimal plant growth. The combination of water retention and nutrient binding means that plant roots can thrive underground, as they’ll have easy access to precisely what they need. These unique properties also prevent nutrient run-off, which can lead to serious health issues should fertilizers make their way into the surrounding environment.
Why Wakefield BioChar Is the Leader in Soil Amendments
Here at Wakefield, everything we do is backed by science and research. Our products are developed by some of the best minds in the industry, which is why we have a reputation for amazing results when it comes to landscape and garden quality. We also take the time to explain the many benefits of biochar to our customers in plain English, so you’re fully aware of all it can do for your lawn and plants.
If you’d like more information on how to use biochar effectively, feel free to contact our knowledgeable team today. We’re always happy to provide tips and guidance to ensure the best possible results.